Friday, January 20, 2017

Change is coming whether you're ready or not.

Inauguration Day. Some people are worried, unsettled, anxious, or just plain terrified about what may be coming. Others are elated, excited, joyful, and hopeful. Regardless of how you look forward to change, there is only one certainty—life is full of it. Wouldn’t life be boring if nothing ever changed? Especially if you are in a negative place? To think it would be like this forever. How depressing and terrible. Even if things are going well, change is a good thing. Not something to fear.

At the end of 2016 I was speaking to a young friend who couldn’t wait for the year to end. He said it had been the worst year he ever lived through. Someone he loved was battling addiction and had gotten into legal trouble. Another loved one faced medical issues, had gone through multiple surgeries, and was no better for it. According to him, 2016 and all its problems couldn’t be over soon enough.

Life doesn’t always go the way we want, whether political or otherwise. Unplanned & unwanted events can derail our plans and dreams. We want something to happen, and when it does just the way we want, we realize it was the worst thing imaginable. Or something comes along to make our plans obsolete, and we’re back at Square One. Oftentimes, it isn’t what happens but how we react to it that causes the most upheaval.

When circumstances derail your plans, do you roll with the punches and work out a new plan? Or do you sit down in the middle of the road and cry and refuse to look for a way around the detour?

I didn’t know how to explain this to my young friend. I don’t think he was ready to hear me. After we talked he was still confident 2017 was the answer to all his problems. I don’t know what he’ll do when the New Year brings problems of its own. With the passing of a day or a year or a season, our problems do not magically go away. Life is nothing but change—wanted and unwanted. We shouldn’t let those changes rob of us of the joy we can find in any situation. With changes come discovery and growth. Life wouldn’t be worth living without both of those.

Are you worried about the changes facing our nation today? Are you hopeful? What about personal changes? A new job. A new baby. A move across the country. While scary, they are also brand new opportunities to grow, experience & discover who we really are.

May God bless you & may He bless America again.

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