The other day I posted about a friend from church who asked me how to get started writing. Her mother has been posting mini-devotionals on FaceBook for over a year. She let me read the most recent, and it was quite good. It had all the necessary elements of a good story. An interesting anecdote with a touch of humor. What the writer learned from the experience. A takeaway application for the reader.
My friend wanted to know how her mother could put these together into a book. Her mother had already done the work. The writing part. A little more work and she could turn her writing into a passive income. I was quick to assure her it isn't easy. Too many people think it is. No successful writer becomes that way by sticking a few cute stories together and throwing them onto Amazon where they sell day and night for the rest of the writer's life...and beyond.
It is so much work. That said, there is money to be made writing. The simplest way to do that is to find your passion and to write it. What are you passionate about? Sports? A particular sport or all sports? Either way, you are not the only one. Cooking? Kids? (My bad. I didn't mean cooking kids. You saw the question mark, right?) Animal rescue? Craft beer? Knitting?
Whatever your interest, someone else is interested in it, too, and they are looking for more information. What have you learned while pursuing your passion? Suppose you make the most delicious Parker House rolls for every family dinner and church function. A friend called you today and asked you to teach her how to bake them. Could you? Providing you aren't planning to take your secret to the grave, could you teach her how to make your Parker House rolls? If you can explain it to a friend, you can write it. If you can write it, you can turn your passion into an income stream. If you bake the best Parker House rolls, chances are you can bake something else. Do you know how many cooking shows are on TV right now? A lot. People love it. Even non-bakers are fascinated in the art of baking. Lucky for you it's your passion?
There hasn't been a better time in history to be a writer. Or to become one. All you need is something you're passionate about and the desire to share that passion with others. Give it a try. What do you have to lose? There is so much to gain.
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